Minster, OH Professional Furnace Tune-Up Services

Regular furnace tuning is just as critical as a car’s oil changes. Without servicing, parts of the furnace get dirtier, lose effectiveness, and can prompt an abrupt and badly arranged breakdown. Even with no indications of a current or potential problem, it’s important to your family’s health and safety to have your furnace serviced regularly.

What does a furnace tune-up cover?

Whether your family uses a furnace as a convenience to maintain a desired temperature in the home, or if they rely on it for heat during frigid weather, a sudden breakdown is always aggravating. A skilled technician tests various parts of the furnace during a tune-up and repairs any damage to make the furnace last for as long as possible. Sudden breakdowns can be prevented through regular inspection of the furnace to overcome recurring problems and frequent replacement. This also helps it to continue running efficiently and give the homeowner savings on his or her heating bills.

During a tune-up, a professional will:

  • pilot system and/or electrical components
  • test the heating elements
  • clean the major components of the furnace
  • lubricate the mechanical parts
  • check for system leaks and tears or gaps in the ductwork
  • recalibrate the thermostat
  • test the safety and limit switches

Why is a tune-up necessary?

Cleaning the inside of your furnace serves a bigger purpose than simply keeping it looking nice. A clean furnace will certainly run much better than a dirty one. Simply having the airflow filter replaced and the coils cleaned periodically will improve your furnace’s operating efficiency which in turn can reduce your energy bills.

When it comes to a tune-up for your furnace, the pilot system needs to be tested. When the fuel is incompletely burned then this can cause a home to have a dangerous level of carbon monoxide which causes health problems. You can contact a certified professional to see if your furnace is emitting carbon monoxide.

A tune-up will not only save you money on your energy bill, but it will also save you money by helping you avoid costly repairs over the life of your unit. When the unit is lacking in its maintenance then this could lead to more repair needs. When parts are dirty or ineffective, it can result in the furnace working harder and therefore wearing out faster. At some point, you’ll learn that some parts are more expensive to repair and you’d be better off replacing it instead.

Even though the heating system tends to be out of mind, it is impossible to deny the absence of warm air in winter for a long time and it is inconvenient enough to warrant early prevention steps to be taken before the start of winter. A properly maintained furnace could last for as long as 20 years. Depending on how much use it gets and how well it’s maintained, a new furnace could last as long as 40 years.

If your furnace is still under warranty, you may need to give it regular tune-ups to keep the warranty active. Many manufacturers will only repair or replace a furnace that’s under warranty if the homeowner can show that all scheduled maintenance has been performed. While your furnace may be running smoothly now, having it tuned-up can save you money on costly repairs.

How should homeowners maintain their furnaces between tune-ups?

When there are no repairs that need to be done on it, there is little maintenance that needs to be done on one’s furnace. Of course, there are some things you can do to ensure that your furnace lasts for some time and works efficiently between tune-ups.

When you have the air filter regularly changed, you maintain the efficiency of your furnace. Airflow is slowed down by a dirty filter, which makes the furnace work harder to produce the same amount of heat. It’s recommended that you change your air filter at least once every three months, especially if you have pets. A filter will not only improve the function of your furnace, but will also filter out toxins, allergens, and particles so that your family can breathe clean air.

Even if closed air vents control the airflow and the temperature, they can put a lot of stress on the heating system and cause it to break down eventually. You also run the risk of mold growing in the ductwork when you close the vents. Thus closing the vents will not yield savings for the homeowners and can even wear the furnace out faster.

If the vents in your furnace are outside of the home you need to make sure that there are no blockages in it. The best time to check for these issues is during the changing of the seasons. If your furnace appears to have problems running, you can also check for this before calling for repair from the experts.